There was the dust-up between VDN and John Paxson. The story was broken here by Yahoo! Sports' Adrian Wojnarowski. KC Johnson holding the story was then broken shortly after on TNT's broadcast of the Bulls v. Celtics. They are still looking into whether the Suntimes' John Jackson is a real person, is awake at the games or if the Suntimes have a Bulls beat reporter at all.
But if you're the Suntimes, like a younger sibling of the Tribune begging for more attention, you should have blasted Johnson for holding the story. Did they have a columnist do that? Nope. Their media columnist Jim O'Donnell blasts TNT's Craig Sager for, well, reporting something.
Anyhow, here's column 2 for today:
Sager only adding fool to the fire
by Jim O'Donnell
April 15, 2010
...The new media was a grand accelerant while the old media seemed as reactive as the Dewey Decimal System. Multiple issues loomed.
The new media? Like TV I guess? The only thing that moved slow was the Suntimes and their beat reporter.
The biggest unresolved one was merely the most important: What are the facts of the alleged MMAA -- mixed middle-aged arts -- pitting Vinny Del Negro against John Paxson and/or Gar Forman?
Here's the problem with trying to be clever-- sometimes it ends up not making any sense. MMAA -- Mixed middle-aged arts. The only problem is-- the Martial part is missing. Instead I picture VDN and Paxson sitting out front of the Musuem Of Contemporary Art with an easel and some clay oil-painting and molding little works of art. Some MMAA in front of the MCA.
Damn, I got too clever and it didn't make sense in the end. How about this- instead of MMAA- the OMMA- Old-Man Martial Arts. You get the point, it makes sense and the reader can move on without thinking about your acronym not making sense.
A Web site got the jangling going Tuesday afternoon with a report that Paxson had physically confronted Del Negro after a loss to the Phoenix Suns on March 30 because of overuse of sore-footed Joakim Noah.
A Web site? You mean Yahoo! sports? Somewhere that's actually breaking news stories on the Bulls? Feel free to mention their name. Oh, and Web isn't a proper noun-- no need to capitalize.
Enter TNT, a cable network with a spotty recent record at the United Center.
Spotty record at the United Center? Like bad reporting? or just a bad broadcast?
Finally, in the third quarter, the furnace blasted. Sager -- suddenly a journalist -- summoned the worst of his career lightweight-ism and outed Chicago Tribune beat writer K.C. Johnson as an allegedly unwilling uncoverer of the Paxson-Del Negro story.
How dare Craig Sager report something he learned on the sideline in his role of side line reporter. And lightweight-ism? So he's not just a lightweight, but he follows lightweights?
Sager's ''reporting'' implied Johnson was attempting to hop on the scoop express alongside the Web site that originally released the story. At no point did Sager take his microphone and cameraman to Johnson during a game break for more detailed elaboration.
Except he did break a story-- a reporter not running a story because of his personal connections to someone he's covering. And I don't see any quotes or efforts to contact Johnson on your part either.
So there's the parts of this article that were in English. If KC Johnson wanted to go on the air, I'm sure he would have. He also has the resources of a crumbling media empire behind him.
I picture them doing paint by numbers, like Queen Katherine's ladies were doing on the Tudors last night. Art imitates TV, after all.